Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Aaaaagh my life is

nice bad quiet loud boring I have too much to do
haven't been watching doctor who

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I have a Problem

No, seriously. Like a real Problem. With a capital P.

I watched 6 episodes of Doctor Who this weekend (Dinosaurs On A Spaceship was absolutely brilliant - Rory's dad is played by Mark Williams, who played Arthur Weasley) and according to my calculations, that's just under 5 hours of TV.

It's becoming an obsession.

And the disease is spreading.

I've gotten my brother and dad addicted too.

I have a Problem and I need help, but I don't want any.

How do I stop?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Poem: Velma (Part 2)

did I love you?
yes, I do.
velma with her eyes so blue.

did I miss you?
yes, I do.
every night I dream of you

did I want you?
yes, I do.
I really don't know what to do
                                         without you.

Poem: Velma (Part 1)

velma, velma, velma
hair so long, eyes so
didn't know how lost I
until I found
didn't know just what I
until I lost
and now I know that when
we meet
heart stops a beat, it
drops a beat
I didn't know it lost
a beat
falling, flying, fleeting, flowing
first of thinking, then of
that you left me, and that we
never be the same
once more
as we were before
And no, this is NOT about the Velma from Scooby Doo.